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Motherhood as a Spiritual Path
Sue Delaney
Conventional offerings in 'spirituality' are
normally beyond the reach of women who are mothers. Yet, Sue Delaney
argues, motherhood is itself an important spiritual path that needs to be
honoured in its own right.
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RTF format by clicking here, or in PDF format by clicking here.
The Spirit in Contemporary Culture: The Internet and the Church of the Future: The
Coming of the Fourth Church
John R. Quinn
The former Archbishop of San Francisco
wonders about the implications of the internet for the Church. What are
the opportunities it offers us for growth and renewal? How is it going to
affect the exercise of authority? Ignatian Identity in Transition
Christian Grondin Some provocative reflections on what we mean by Ignatian
collaboration, by the layman who is Director of Programmes at the Ignatian
retreat centre in Quebec City.
Truth and Silence: Learning from Abuse
Gill K. Goulding
Rightly or wrongly--and quite
inevitably--people working in church ministry sometimes feel abused by
authority. Gill Goulding interviewed a range of people in such situations,
and here presents what she found.
Theological Trends: Lay Ecclesial Ministers: A Theological Look into
the Future
Bernard Sesboüé
One of France's leading theologians explores
the issues at stake when those whom we call 'lay people' are entrusted
with the leadership of parishes. Awkward though some of the questions are,
we may be on the threshold of a breakthrough.
The 'Times' of Ignatian Election: The Wisdom of
the Directories
Alfredo Sampaio Costa
Ignatius speaks of three 'times' during
which a good and sound choice can be made. There have always been
different views on whether one of these is more important and valid than
the others, and about just what each consists in. Alfredo Sampaio Costa
guides us through the arguments that took place in the important years
after Ignatius’ death.
From the Ignatian Tradition: Spirit, Contemplation and Ministry: Three Early
Jesuit Texts
Jerónimo Nadal, Everard Mercurian and Claudio
Three documents showing how the first
generations of the Ignatian movement struggled with perennial issues in
the spiritual life: inspiration and authority; heart and head; prayer and
The Silence
Joseph Veale
The late Joe Veale asks some sharp questions
about why there seems to be so little energy, enthusiasm--or
consolation--in the mainstream Churches of western Europe.
Recent Books
Sarah Jane Boss
looks at Tina Beattie's new book on women, pilgrimage and Rome
Ruth Holgate
on the Spiritual
Exercises reclaimed for women
Julio Luis Martínez
considers different attitudes to the State and religious freedom
William Wizeman
on how attitudes to death and burial changed during the English
John Martis
presents the provocative, posthumous collection of essays by the Dominican
theologian, Herbert McCabe
Nicholas King
draws on a new book to help us pray with the Psalms
Anna Marie
Gallagher shares
her thoughts on a retreat programme for Latino immigrants to the USA
Nicholas Austin
on the spirituality of Generation X
Philip Endean
discusses a range of new books on mysticism--notably Edward Howells' fine
study of John and Teresa
From the Foreword
THIS ISSUE IS HAUNTED by a sense of the Spirit gradually breaking down various kinds of barrier.
In her article, ‘Motherhood as a Spiritual Path’, Sue Delaney, writing
from Australia, reflects on how the major religious traditions of the
world marginalise a key experience in the adult lives of most women: that
of motherhood. Yet the experience is of immense spiritual importance, not
just because of how good mothering nurtures the child, but also because of
what it brings to the mother herself.
We are delighted to
follow that piece with the first of a new series of articles:
The Spirit in Contemporary Culture.
As an Ignatian journal of spirituality, The Way
is concerned not just with the documents of the tradition, but also with
discerning how the Spirit is stirring anew in the present. This new series
thus complements From the Ignatian
Tradition, the
series of original texts that began with the re-launch in January. We
inaugurate the series with a piece by John R. Quinn, retired Archbishop of
San Francisco, who points out how the internet, with its vast potential
for bridging the barriers between societies and cultures, will inevitably
bring about changes in how religious authority is exercised. More
importantly, it will demand of Christian disciples a new quality of
After this, we turn to
new possibilities in Church ministry, and the attempts to break down some
barriers between the clerical and the lay. In this context, it is all to
easy to swing from euphoria to embitterment. In different ways, the three
articles by Christian Grondin, Gill K. Goulding and Bernard Sesboüé move
us beyond both cliché and complaint. They encourage us to think freshly
about the human, institutional and theological issues raised by ‘lay
ministry’—to use the familiar but problematic term.
The articles which
follow deal with some rich themes in the early Ignatian tradition: the
different ways in which we can make Ignatian decisions, and a developing
vision of prayer and ministry. But in the background is a more problematic
development: the tradition’s gradual loss of a sense that the Spirit can
work in everyday life; its increasing tendency to imagine the spiritual
life as something for an elite, something that we can forget about as we
cope with ordinary realities. Perhaps one of the reasons why it has become
so difficult to speak of God—the fact on which the late Joseph Veale
reflects in ‘The Silence’—is that we are still, unconsciously, stuck in
habits of thinking and praying that the Spirit is now trying to call us
beyond. We may still be repressing the pain of which John of the Cross
speaks, the ‘spiritual anguish and suffering … seeping through and
flooding everything’—a pain which is nevertheless positive, because it
marks the dawn of a new quality of divine light and peace ‘so delightful
that … it surpasses all understanding’. The problem is only the soul’s
‘inadequate preparation, and the qualities it possesses which are contrary
to this light’.
There are barriers
within our own psyches, therefore, to the touch of God. Perhaps one of
them is the expectation that writing on spirituality should be
undemanding. Or at least we may need to discern such expectations
carefully. Communication of any kind—not just about spirituality—should be
clear; jargon needs to be kept to a minimum, and carefully explained.
The Way is absolutely committed to clear writing. But the spiritual life should
always challenge us to be growing, to be questioning ‘how we have always
thought’, to be exploring the possibility that God is leading us into
something different. If ‘devotional writing’ remains within
well-established categories, it stands at risk of merely fostering pious
resistance. A previous article by Joe Veale included some memorable
sentences about the inclusiveness of the spiritual:
We need a new word, one
we have not yet discovered. … It would encompass not only the prayer
that opens the spirit to God and leads towards union … but, besides,
all those other things which open the spirit to the action of God just as
much as prayer (and sometimes better). … Whatever brings faith to
life, whatever brings faith to bear on everything else we experience,
whatever draws our focus away from ourselves, whatever beauty or goodness
so absorbs us that we entirely forget ourselves, whatever strengthens hope
and makes us more loving, all these can be purgative and illuminative and
unitive just as much as prayer can.
We do not yet have the
words for what needs to be said; it is ‘so delightful that … it
surpasses all understanding’. We cannot cope with the inclusiveness of
God; we insist on confining the Spirit behind barriers of the most varied
kinds. ‘Spirituality’ indicates how the realities of our experience are
leading conventional theology, and standard devotional practice, towards
an ever new, ever more inclusive, relation to God. By definition, it
involves a closeness to everyday life. But it also involves learning to
think and feel differently, breaking the barriers of habit and convention,
both in thought and in feeling. Those lessons can never be
Philip Endean SJ
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